CMA launches eco-friendly trophy for 2022 award ceremony

At the CMA we believe in a sustainable future. What we do to protect the environment today will pay off for many years to come. We believe sustainability is not just a moral imperative but a business one too. Being a sustainable business can reduce operational costs, improve relationships with customers, attract talent, increase efficiencies and help gain a competitive advantage. 

Ultimately, sustainability is an investment for a brighter future for the environment and business as a whole. Quite simply, it’s a win-win!

Becoming a sustainable business takes time and requires incremental steps. It’s about getting the little things right and then moving on to the bigger and more impactful things. We try to keep it in mind with everything we do at the CMA. 

That’s why this year we have used a more eco-friendly trophy for the 2022 International Content Marketing Awards. Working with our design agency, NR Creative, and a supplier we have developed a trophy using one of the most eco-friendly materials available – bamboo.

Bamboo: the incredibly renewable and versatile crop

Bamboo is a grass which grows quickly and requires no fertilisers or pesticides to thrive. The cut and come again nature of the bamboo plant makes this a highly sustainable source of material for the manufacture of bamboo ply boards and veneers. 


The forests are carefully managed by local farmers and all bamboo is harvested by hand after around 3-5 years. These farmers know how to select the bamboo stems at the correct maturity for processing into boards and with its fast production cycle, bamboo offers a vital alternative to the use of rainforest hardwoods and other timber sourced from the world’s precious woodlands. 

The ink used on the trophies is also eco-friendly and Greenguard Certified which means it has met industry standards for low emissions.

Our suppliers also play their part in reusing and up-cycling materials. Offering an end-of-life recycling scheme for unwanted bamboo boards.

We hope we’ve given the 2022 winners a little peace of mind that being awarded and recognised for their amazing work hasn’t contributed to their carbon footprint. 

This is one of many sustainability initiatives we are working on at the CMA and we believe the content marketing industry is in a wonderful position to educate the world on a more eco-friendly future. If you’d like to find out more about the trophies or anything else sustainability-related we’re up to at the CMA please get in touch.


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