Hybrid Cloud Security Survey: Perception vs. Reality

Client: Gigamon

Agency: Say Communications

Award: Best use of Content Within Media Relations, 2024: Silver


Gigamon is an established network monitoring leader, pivoting its positioning to be seen as a leader in hybrid cloud security and ‘deep observability’ (DO). DO is a new market category with low awareness among IT and Security leaders.   

Gigamon needed an impactful campaign to raise awareness about hybrid cloud visibility challenges and blind spots, illustrate use cases for DO, and demonstrate consensus among IT/security decision makers that this solution is critical for cloud security.

SAY identified a multichannel campaign, underpinned by global research, as critical to supporting this mission, and created a survey on the topic of hybrid cloud security to understand and illustrate current industry challenges. Objectives were set around generating awareness and leads.


SAY designed a global research survey to deliver insights across 6 regions, drawing from a pool of IT and security leadership roles including CIOs/CISOs, CTOs and other cloud or information security decision makers. The research aim was to emphasise the reality of cloud security today and carve a unique space for Gigamon in the market. Through social listening, we identified topics that were not fully understood within industry discourse and designed questions that interrogated respondents’ perception of “cloud visibility” and “zero trust”. The results were shocking, showing high confidence in the security of their organisation, despite the majority of companies being breached and 1 in 3 not being able to detect the breach. The insights from the research provoked a true ‘aha-moment’ among Infosec leaders and the media as the sector realised that complex cloud infrastructure is exposed to threats due to pervasive blind spots.   

We planned and implemented a multichannel campaign to saturate and enlighten the cloud security market with rich-media assets, offering a variety of ways to engage with the research. These included a report and an executive summary, dedicated web pages, press release, proactive media pitching, thought leadership videos, infographics, email marketing, social media carousels and localized sales materials.

Influencer engagement generated word-of-mouth online about Gigamon’s DO solution for hybrid cloud security. We partnered with a cybersecurity influencer and award-winning security podcast securing one interview, multiple mentions over 3 episodes, and even an exclusive video trailer for the launch of the report.


The campaign met the objectives of raising awareness and generating leads, exceeded expectations across all KPIs, and delivered strong results for over 3 months.


  • 58 pieces of coverage across Europe. +65% over target

  • 43,593 podcast listeners within the first month +45% over target

  • Total earned media reached 1,000,000+ unique readers.

  • Gigamon moved from 4th to 3rd most talked about company on the topics of ‘cloud’ and ‘observability’ in the 5 months post launch. 

  • 42,082 organic social media impressions. +20% over target

  • 3,620 thought leadership social media video views. +45% over target


  • 1,167 landing page views. +16% over target

  • 156 leads (13.4% conversion rate). +34% over target


the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)


OTW and Holmen Paper